CuadragonNext Now Available! April 13, 2021 Michael Cadwallader Off Games & Apps, Happening, Hero Article, The RPG brought to you by the Duefectu Corp has finally arrived in digital form...
Xeno Brigade Update #2 March 14, 2021 Michael Cadwallader Off Games & Apps, News, Xeno Brigade is taking shape and Les Greenhalgh has sent over some updated screenshots. Lovely...
Dreamworld Pogie/Next: Demo v.1.0 March 9, 2021 Phoebus Dokos Off Games & Apps, Happening, Hero Article, News, Pogie is waiting for you to move him about in his Dreamworld! Today, W.A.S.P.STUDIO released...
Marsmare: Alienation January 31, 2021 Michael Cadwallader Off Games & Apps, Happening, Hero Article, The original ZX Spectrum game won the Yandex Retro Games Battle competition back in 2020....
Xeno Brigade Update January 15, 2021 Michael Cadwallader Off Games & Apps, Hero Article, Les Greenhalgh has been busy working on Xeno Brigade, a turn based strategy game for...
Magnetic Scrolls Update January 11, 2021 Michael Cadwallader Off Games & Apps, We have updated the pages for three titles from the Magnetic Scrolls Compilation. For Myth,...
The Need for ‘Shpeed’ January 11, 2021 Michael Cadwallader Off Games & Apps, Hero Article, This one snuck under our radar a bit. Pre-order in, Christmas happened and all of...
SpecNext Invaders January 4, 2021 Michael Cadwallader Off Games & Apps, Happening, Howard Price has just completed his first game written in Z80 assembly. You can see...
The Next War! January 1, 2021 Michael Cadwallader Off Games & Apps, Happening, Hero Article, As a New Year's gift to the community, Lampros Potamianos has released his Tower Defence...
Delta’s Shadow December 21, 2020 Michael Cadwallader Off Games & Apps, General, Happening, Hero Article, News, For the ZX Spectrum 128K and ZX Spectrum Next Christmas Day is going to be...