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Angry Bloaters

Category: Game
Genre: Puzzle
Status: Released
Format: In Distro
Cost: Donation
Author(s): Lampros Potamianos
Graphics: Phoebus Dokos, Lampros Potamianos
Audio: Lampros Potamianos
Language: English
Website: https://lpotamianos.itch.io/angry-bloaters

Help Old John through his nightmares, where his evil bloaters materialise and hunt him down!


Progressive difficulty / Advancing number of hidden bonuses-power-ups / Auto-bombing stage every 4 levels
Re-definable keyboard, joystick support and high-score saving.

Paying a homage to a favorite game of my youth, Eric and the Floaters by Hudson Soft. This was the predecessor of bomberman, as Hudson Soft was absorbed by Konami. Angry Bloaters is an amalgam of both games.

Stages differ too, with a variety of obstacle placements and some offer a Pacman-esque way to escape to the other side of the level!

The game is simple enough but addictive. It was actually written within a week in August 2018 in Z80 assembly using the Zeus assembler for windows, Cspect emulator for debugging and a 2A Next board for testing. Sound FX were composed in a custom written SoundFX editor, sprites designed on a custom Sprite Editor and the music on Vtracker.

To be released when the Next does! Perhaps free, or with a symbolic cost - Lampros Potamianos

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