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Baggers In Space

Category: Game
Genre: Platform
Status: Released
Format: Digital+Physical
Cost: Paid
Team: Rusty Pixels
Author(s): Michael Ware, Jim Bagley
Graphics: Lobo
Audio: Space Fractal
Language: English
Website: https://www.rustypixels.uk/?post_type=product

After exploring the galaxy and looking for valuable minerals, Baggers is ready to make his way home. Typically, his return turns out not to be a simple return flight. After hitting a nasty piece of space debris, Baggers finds himself stranded on an alien planet with both a broken spaceship and no fuel. Can you help him find a way to leave the planet and continue his journey home? He would really like to be home in time for tea...

A colossal 16 varied planets impede your progress home. Each planet contains a wealth of intriguing and often deadly enemies, glorious minerals, blocked passages, tricks and traps, and perhaps even a special idol to help Baggers on his quest. A hearty quest for the intrepid adventurer lovingly crafted as a Spectrum Next exclusive by two coding veterans. Also featuring well over an hour of music and even a secret or two.

Are you Baggers enough for the quest?

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