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The Hollow Earth Hypothesis

Category: Game
Genre: Platform
Status: Released
Format: Digital
Cost: Paid (Demo available)
Author(s): Lampros Potamianos
Graphics: Simon Butler
Audio: Lampros Potamianos
Additional Sprites: Lampros Potamianos, Nickal
Language: English
Website: https://lpotamianos.itch.io/the-hollow-earth-hypothesis

Professor Rickamex seeks an answer to the hollow earth hypothesis on a deserted island


80 screens layered in 5 levels, 3 above the ground and 2 underground, some of which need to be unlocked in order to progress

20 different objects to pick up and find out where and when to use

99 golden coins to pick up and use … (you have to find that out too)

Different enemy sprites for each of the 5 ground and underground levels

Special enemies

2 bonus lives to be claimed

Re-definable keyboard and joystick support.

The Hollow Earth Hypothesis was an idea based on games like Terramex,.flip screen platform games with an element of exploration and having to figure out what to do with objects in order to progress. It has been developed for 18 months and it has recently been revamped with new graphics by industry legend Simon Butler! The game code has been updated in order to use new features of the Next core such as tilemaps. The story is a loose mix of Journey to the center of the Earth meets Shambala meets Cthulu Mythos, with the professor trying to recover a secret map that leads to the inner Earth in a deserted island off the coast of New England. It requires patience, strategic thinking as well as quick reflexes and a thorough mapping of the game’s levels, and will offer quite a challenge to complete even for seasoned players.

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