No Fate

From the magic team that brought us the amazing Castlevania: Spectral Interlude comes a new Beat’em’Up for the Next called No Fate. If their Castlevania work is anything to go by, this should be a hit.

The images shared by Mikhail Sudakov are still for the Speccy, they will shortly start working on a special version for the Spectrum Next featuring full new artwork making use of the new sprites and colour modes.

For now, stick with the game’s description until we have more information from the team:

He has been betrayed. Left bleeding to death in a ravine filled with dead bodies. He lost everything, but he regained his freedom. Many paths now lie before the wounded hero. Should he take revenge on his traitors? Should he search for allies? Maybe he can try to conquer the world? From now on, he’s not bound by the past — but his choices will change his future.